Saturday, May 18, 2013

Broken Taste Buds!?

I'm not, nor will I ever be, a wine snob.

I like what I like. What I like tends to be a sweeter, lighter wine, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to also enjoy the polar opposite. I'm currently a cashier at a beer, wines, and spirits retailer. The biggest perk of my job is getting the opportunity to try new drinks, which at first was just cool. Now after a few months of learning and trying more and more wines, its helped me realize that there is nothing wrong with my taste buds!
I've heard on many occasions from the more educated wine connoisseurs that this Cabernet is 'sophisticated' and 'that' Cabernet is a lovely and 'complex wine'. (Usually followed by, "You won't like it.")
To me, most of them taste about the same, with some variety here and there. It's pretty easy for me to pick up a $35 bottle of wine, take my sample and say "Hmm. Gross." and get a very dirty look. But the crazy thing is... it's not that it's gross. I'm willing to agree that wine A is complex and wine B is creamy or oaky, but that doesn't mean I have to like wine A. It means I have a preference to certain flavors and textures, like every other person out there. Yay!
After sampling a good number of different wines, I've now figured out that being less of a complete noob when it comes to wine is good, but, you don't have to know everything about it to enjoy a good bottle of wine.

I'm not going to go into a lot of detail for every wine I've had, but I'd like to use this blog as a place to store and share my thoughts with other non-experts who just want to find what they enjoy. It'll be just as new and exploratory to me as anyone else...

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